UPSET IS OPTIONAL WORKSHEET Upset is Optional(Required)THE PRACTICES - PICK ONEUpset is OptionalDeep BreathingWords are like DrugsThe Five SymptomsStory vs. PhenomenaReframingRequest vs. DemandDeep ListeningDesign your MoodAcknowledgmentWHAT HAPPENED?(Required) Briefly describe the facts relating to your upset.WHAT TECHNIQUE DID YOU USE TO MAKE A SHIFT?(Required)HOW DID YOU FEEL IN YOUR BODY AFTER THE SHIFT?(Required)May we share your answers?At, we understand the importance of respecting your privacy. We would like to aggregate [anonymously] people's responses, please let us know if this option is acceptable to you by checking here. Remember, "Upset is Optional" - choose what works best for you. Yes No, but thank you for asking. Name First Last Initial EmailWe will never share your email with anyone, ever! NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.